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Why is it so scary to lose money? It would seem that everything is simple: if we have earned, we can still. Why, then, do many of us treat money like winning the lottery and, as a result, “let it go to the wind”, spend every last penny as soon as we get it? And most importantly, how to change your approach to finance? Says psychologist and financial consultant Vitaly Sharlay.

Money-related fears are not uncommon. We live in a consumer society and are afraid of losing something, we strive to climb to the very top of the consumer pyramid in order to receive better material goods.

At the same time, one of the main internal barriers to prosperity is the “financial ceiling”, everyone has their own. We are talking about a certain amount of money, which we consider safe for ourselves to possess. As long as our incomes are below this ceiling, we are calm, but as soon as our income exceeds it, we feel danger, anxiety, and begin to get rid of the “superfluous”.

Money is ok

Everyone says that for a prosperous material background, positive thinking and the right attitudes are necessary. «People with a poverty mindset» work to survive, buying things they need, not things they really like. Successful people earn in order to fulfill themselves, do what they love, and spend money on what they love.

It is important that we are not spurred on by a constant desire to “break out of poverty”, but motivated by the idea that the more money we have, the more we can invest in our development, in our favorite business and benefit others.

You can’t focus on what we don’t have (an apartment, a good job), and forcefully attract this “deficiency” into your life. It is important to focus on what we have and strive to increase the resources we have. We need to clearly define for ourselves at what financial, social level we are now, how we achieved this, then decide what we want to get, what level to climb and what work to do on ourselves in order to achieve this.

Money is prosperity, stability and freedom, which means that you can only talk and think about it in a good way

The bricks from which the path of poverty is laid out are the fear of refusal, offending others, dependence on the opinions of others, wasting time on others to the detriment of one’s own interests. All this is total disrespect for oneself and devaluation of one’s own significance. It is important to value yourself, your time and energy, and if you compare yourself with others, then only in order to motivate you to even greater success.

A negative attitude towards money will not lead to solvency. Therefore, it is important to replace all negative attitudes with one positive one: “I am worthy / worthy.” Repeat this thought to yourself every day in order to stop being afraid of money and understand: everything that we have, we got ourselves. It is enough to realize that money is prosperity, stability and freedom, which means that you can only talk and think about it in a good way.

Money is a powerful energy with its own characteristics that you need to learn how to accept. It is necessary not only to appreciate and love yourself, to increase your self-esteem, to experience positive emotions for money, not to fight them, but also to learn how to manage them, get rid of the causes of fears that limit a positive financial flow. The main thing is to remove the internal barriers that prevent you from reaching your goals.

The main fears about money and ways to get rid of them

1. Fear of your own incompetence

The reasons for the constant problems with money are associated not only with the presence of undeveloped, limiting core beliefs, but with monetary fears. For example, extra money appeared (premium, winnings), but it is not clear what to do with it, where to invest, how to invest. This causes negative feelings, including fear of the unfamiliar, incomprehensible.

The lack of financial literacy leads to panic and irrational actions even when a crisis occurs. Financially literate people do not panic even when adverse situations occur: they always have a “safety cushion” that allows them to cope with force majeure.

For most people who start to develop financial literacy, it is enough to form good habits.

Properly managing finances, you can not only significantly reduce costs, but also significantly increase the thickness of your wallet. Financial literacy provides a certain level of prestige, helps in finding sources of income other than employment. We have not only knowledge and skills, but also psychological stability.

The basics of financial literacy: planning and accounting for cash flows, the right attitude to finance, interaction with relevant institutions, competent investment of capital — can be mastered in courses, seminars, webinars and with the help of literature.

For most people who are starting to develop financial literacy, in order to improve their own situation, it is enough to form good habits: maintaining a financial plan, analyzing income and expenses, planning expenses for the future, and the ability to live within their means.

2. Fear of risks

Fear of risk or failure paralyzes activity. Fearing to lose what little they have, many miss the opportunity to gain much more, turn down the chance to succeed in life just because they are afraid to try to change it. Inaction is the biggest risk. But there are others: they often take risks that only at first seem dizzying. Why do they not give in to possible defeats?

The thing is, successful entrepreneurs are inherently optimistic. When they take on the implementation of something, they always rate their chances very high, even if no one around them shares their opinion. They believe that they will definitely succeed, and that is why they are able to mobilize all their forces and direct them to achieve the goal. They are not tormented by doubts and worries. For them, what others perceive as an unjustified risk is nothing more than a well-estimated cost in advance, which cannot be avoided.

It must be remembered that the degree of risk depends on the level of knowledge, physical and psychological state, the ability to perceive and process information, making thoughtful decisions, and performing reasonable actions. With an optimistic and positive attitude, there will always be ways to mitigate risks.

3. Biża 'ta' responsabbiltà

Judge for yourself: in childhood, adults are responsible for us, later, at work, the manager, for savings for old age — the pension fund, for the upbringing of children — the school. Not answering for anything is convenient for many. But this limits the possibility of increasing material wealth. No one is more interested in the high quality of our life than ourselves, so if we want to live well, it is worth taking care of it ourselves, taking responsibility for life.

4. Biża 'ta' bidla

Another factor that causes a lot of financial troubles: you want material wealth, but a person is not ready to do something for this — neither find a new job, nor find an additional source of income, nor gain new knowledge or skills, nor acquire a useful financial habit.

Try to imagine how you would behave in different situations if you were not afraid of the new. Think about what you would say, how you would dress, how you would carry yourself. Run it over and over in your head. Practice in front of a mirror. This will give you inner confidence. Before you do something unusual for you in the presence of other people, you need to be able to calmly do it alone. Fear of change can only be overcome by doing something new and different.

5. «Big money — big fears»

Many attitudes and beliefs regarding money are “carefully instilled” in us by our parents. If the family had an average income or a constant lack of money, then, as a rule, the parents denied themselves, and often the child, in many ways, motivating the refusal with a lack of finances. “We can’t afford it, it’s too expensive, not now, we are saving up for more essentials” — how many times have you heard such phrases?

As a result, many have formed the belief that a large amount of money is something unattainable. This severe restriction blocks the flow of monetary energy into life. The matter is aggravated by personal negative experience of dealing with money. This includes unsuccessful investments or transactions, and situations where, for example, we were not repaid a debt.

There are many reasons why a fear of money may arise, but the basis is negative events and experiences from the past that created internal tension. In order to radically change the situation, self-hypnosis and desire are important.

Changing limiting beliefs, eliminating the fear of losing money will ultimately transform the course of life

It is worth finding negative attitudes and changing them, for example, using antonyms. For example, the phrase «I’m afraid to lose my savings because my last deal failed» can be replaced with the words «I know how to make the right decisions — including how to save and increase capital.»

In addition, you need to learn how to treat debts and loans correctly. Many consider them a burden, exhausting and draining money and energy. Instead, you need to accustom yourself to feel light every time you repay a debt or pay off a loan. For example, if we pay a mortgage on an apartment, then we now have our own housing. It is worth starting every morning with this thought and keeping this state.

To further expand the comfort zone will allow the daily adjustment to financial prosperity. Changing limiting beliefs, eliminating the fear of losing money will ultimately transform the course of life.

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