Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċiWhen it comes to preparing a menu for a festive feast, every housewife must include various snacks in it. The leaders in this category, of course, are pickled mushrooms. They can be put on the table as an independent snack, or they can be made the main ingredient in delicious salads.

In our territory, rows are considered very popular mushrooms. They are processed in various ways, but I would like to separately note the taste of pickled gray rows. This type of fruiting body is considered one of the most common, it has a pleasant delicate taste and aroma. But before you get the perfect snack, the rows need to be cleaned of dirt and adhering debris. Then soak them in water for 1 day, constantly changing the liquid, and boil for 30 minutes.

After preparation, you can safely proceed to marinating using one of the 4 simple recipes presented in our article.

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The classic way to pickle gray rows

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċiKif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċiKif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċiKif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċiWe offer you to familiarize yourself with the classic way of marinating gray rows. It is versatile, so it suits every taste.

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  • Ringiela - 1 kg;
  • Melħ - 1 tbsp l .;
  • Zokkor – 2 Art. l.;
  • Ħall (9%) - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Weraq tar-rand - 3 pc .;
  • Grains of black pepper (can be fragrant) – 10 pcs.;
  • Ilma - 500 ml;
  • Qronfol – 3 buttuni.

Following a step-by-step recipe, pickled gray row will turn out to be very tasty and fragrant. This is what you need for a real mushroom snack.

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi
Aħna naddaf jew naqtgħu l-ħmieġ mill-korpi tal-frott, neħħi l-ġilda mill-brieret u imla bl-ilma.
Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi
After 12-15 hours, we wash them and boil them for 20-30 minutes, regularly removing the foam.
Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi
Rinse again with tap water, leave to drain, and in the meantime we are preparing the brine.
Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi
We mix vinegar, pepper, cloves and bay leaf in water, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for 5-7 minutes.
Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi
Put the boiled mushrooms in sterilized jars, fill with strained marinade and roll up the lids.
After cooling, we take it out to the basement or leave it in the refrigerator.

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How to pickle mushrooms gray rows with wine vinegar

Sometimes wine vinegar is used to pickle mushrooms, thanks to which the aroma and taste of the workpiece is revealed from the other side.

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi

In the presence of such a preservative, even a minimal set of spices will emphasize the sophistication of the gray row.

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  • Ringiela - 2 kg;
  • Wine vinegar – 250 ml (1 tbsp.);
  • Weraq tar-rand u qronfol - pcs 2 .;
  • Basal - 1 pc .;
  • Melħ - 2 tsp;
  • Zokkor – 1,5 Art. l.;
  • Bżar iswed (piżelli) - 10 biċċiet.

How to pickle a gray row with the addition of wine vinegar?

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi

  1. Il-faqqiegħ jiġi magħżul, il-ħmieġ li jeħel jitneħħa, kif ukoll il-parti t'isfel tar-riġlejn.
  2. Xarrab għal diversi sigħat f'ilma mielaħ, imbagħad għalli għal 30 minuta, ixxotta l-brodu.

While the fruiting bodies are draining, prepare the brine:

  1. Il-basla titqaxxar u tinqata 'f'kubi żgħar u magħquda mal-ħall tal-inbid.
  2. Żid il-ħwawar kollha, ħawwad, poġġi fuq nar baxx u sajjar għal 20 minuta.
  3. Ifrex il-faqqiegħ u ferra 0,5-1 tbsp. ilma purifikat jew mgħolli, għalli għal 5 minuti oħra.
  4. Il-massa titqassam fuq vażetti sterilizzati, irrumblati, imkessħa u meħuda fil-kantina.

Marinating gray rows with citric acid

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċiFor pickling mushrooms, including gray rows, you can not use vinegar at all. An excellent substitute in this case is another preservative – citric acid.

  • Ringiela - 2 kg;
  • Ilma - 3 tbsp.;
  • Aċidu ċitriku - ½ tsp;
  • Salt and sugar – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • Bżar iswed (piżelli) - pcs 13-15 .;
  • Weraq tar-rand, imsiemer tal-qronfol - għat-togħma.

How should gray row mushrooms be pickled using citric acid instead of vinegar?

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi

  1. L-ewwelnett, għandek tipprepara l-faqqiegħ: naddafhom mill-ħmieġ, laħlaħ fl-ilma u għalli għal 20 minuta (żid 600 tbsp 1% ħall għal 6 ml ta 'ilma).
  2. Ixxotta l-brodu, laħlaħ il-faqqiegħ b'ilma kiesaħ u ħallih ixxotta.
  3. Combine in 3 tbsp. water citric acid, salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf and cloves, put on fire.
  4. Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes, then strain the marinade.
  5. Put on the fire again and put the mushrooms, boil for 7-10 minutes.
  6. Qassam ir-ringieli flimkien mal-immarinar f'vażetti 0,5 l (sterilizzati).
  7. Għatti bl-għotjien u ħalli għal aktar sterilizzazzjoni għal 20 minuta.
  8. Irrombla, ħalli jiksaħ, oħroġ f'kamra friska.

Recipe for Spicy Pickled Rows

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċiThe piquancy and spiciness of this appetizer will surely be appreciated by your men. It will also add variety to the daily and festive menu of each family.

  • Ryadovka (imqaxxar u mgħolli) - 2 kg;
  • Ilma - 800 ml .;
  • Ħall (9%) - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • Iswed u allspice - piżelli 7 kull wieħed;
  • Weraq tar-rand - 3 pc .;
  • Melħ - 2 tsp;
  • Zokkor - 3 tsp;
  • Tewm - 8-10 sinniet;
  • Hot pepper – ½-1 pc. (taste).

Marinating for gray rowing is very simple:

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi

  1. Peel and finely chop the garlic, do the same with the pepper.
  2. Għaqqad l-ingredjenti kollha fl-ilma u għalli għal 10 minuti fuq nar baxx.
  3. Qassam il-faqqiegħ mgħolli f'vażetti sterilizzati u ferra 'fuq l-immarinar.
  4. Irrombla l-għotjien, ħalli jiksaħ u oħroġ fil-kantina.

Kif pickle ringieli griżi: riċetti sempliċi

Ħalli Irrispondi