Coronavirus Dak li trid tkun taf Coronavirus fil-Polonja Coronavirus fl-Ewropa Coronavirus fid-dinja Mappa Gwida Mistoqsijiet frekwenti #Ejja nitkellmu dwar

From Wednesday, December 1, the rules of behavior related to the pandemic in force in Poland were tightened. According to many experts, the restrictions are too delicate and were introduced too late. – The restrictions should be further-reaching, the covid passport should be respected. This is what it is. I do not fully understand it, the passport has not been imposed on us, says Medonet, prof. Andrzej Fal.

  1. From Wednesday, December 1, new restrictions will apply, known as the Alert Package
  2. I do not fully identify with this delicate introduction of restrictions, covid passports should be introduced – says prof. Andrzej Fal.
  3. These changes are delayed, they were expected much earlier – says Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski
  4. There are no regional restrictions, no covid passports. This step is very delicate – comments Dr. Michał Sutkowski
  5. Aktar informazzjoni tinsab fuq il-homepage ta’ Onet

New restrictions in Poland. What’s changing?

From December 1 to December 17, new restrictions related to the coronavirus apply. Due to the appearance of a new variant of the coronavirus – Omikron – the new restrictions have been called the alert package.

From Wednesday, flights to Poland from South African countries (Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe) are banned. People who return from these countries cannot be released from quarantine for 14 days. The quarantine for travelers from non-Schengen countries was also extended to 14 days.

  1. X'restrizzjonijiet huma fis-seħħ fil-Polonja mill-1 ta' Diċembru? [LISTA]

A large part of the restrictions introduced concerns the introduction of occupancy limits for various types of facilities in the country. 50 percent limit occupancy will apply to churches, restaurants, hotels and cultural facilities, such as cinemas, theaters, operas, philharmonics, houses and cultural centers, as well as during concerts and circus performances. 50 percent limit occupancy will also apply to sports facilities, such as swimming pools and water parks (75% of occupancy was valid until the end of November).

Il-bqija tal-artiklu taħt il-video.

A maximum of 100 people can attend weddings, meetings, consolations and other gatherings, as well as discos.

New restrictions in Poland. Prof Fal: They should be sharper

The rules in force from today commented in an interview with Medonet, Prof. Andrzej Fal, president of the Polish Society of Public Health. He assessed the suspension of connections with African countries positively.

“First of all, we should fish out and watch Omikron, the new potentially dangerous madman. But let’s not panic, we don’t know if it’s as scary as it seems. Tighter restrictions, isolating the outbreaks of the new variant should help. I believe that the introduced restrictions are only the first step – said Prof. Fal.

In contrast, restrictions on facilities inside the country, according to the professor, are insufficient.

– When it comes to new internal rules, I do not fully identify with this delicate introduction of restrictions. I am a supporter of these restrictions, which are recommended by the Medical Council at the Prime Minister. The restrictions should be further-reaching, the covid passport should be respected. This is what it is. I do not fully understand it, after all, the passport was not imposed on us, we participated – within the European Union – in establishing this passport. We indirectly wanted such a document to be verified, said the allergist.

  1. Imwiet fil-Polonja minħabba COVID-19. MZ jipprovdi data ġdida. Huma xokkanti

– Yesterday I was in Prague for one day. A covid passport was required to enter the restaurant for lunch. I hope this will be implemented with us very soon. After all, this document is generated by, therefore it is probably a binding document … – added prof. Halyard.

Restrictions in Poland. Dr. Grzesiowski: they are introduced too late

One of the most famous experts on the coronavirus, Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski emphasized that the new restrictions appeared far too late.

– These changes are delayed, they were expected much earlier, precisely in terms of these restrictions on the number of people indoors, at events and so on. This is something that does not affect the Omikron virus, which officially does not exist in Poland yet, but even if it is, these are isolated cases – said the expert of the Supreme Medical Council for combating COVID-24 on TVN19.

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And the restrictions introduced by the government are delayed, “because part of Poland has already experienced the highest incidence”.

– Eastern voivodeships will not benefit much from this, but any form of restriction of mobility and interactions at the moment will bring us some relief in two weeks, especially when it comes to admissions to hospitals and deaths – noted the immunologist.

Restrictions in Poland. Dr. Sutkowski: a step too small

Dr. Michał Sutkowski, president of Warsaw Family Physicians, believes that the new safety rules are definitely too small a step.

– There are no regional restrictions, no covid passports, but there is a step which, in my opinion, is a very delicate step. If this is to prepare us for some kind of further actions and restrictions – it is good that such a step has been taken. I would expect more decisive solutions for the benefit of everyone – he said in an interview with PAP.

  1. Epidemjoloġisti: jirrestrinġu l-aċċess għal postijiet pubbliċi għal nies mingħajr ċertifikat

He positively assesses the issue of the suspension of connections with the countries of South Africa. – Contact with countries where a new variant of the Omikron coronavirus is developing and where it begins to dominate – must be definitely limited – he added.

As for domestic rules, he once again stressed the need to introduce certificates for vaccinated people. – According to the recommendations of our entire community, we would expect the introduction of some regulations regarding covid passports. This is something that we consider to be part of a good fight against the coronavirus – he said. He emphasized that the temporary limitation of presence in cultural or sports institutions to people who have vaccinated, «the entire medical community considers it an effective element".

Restrictions in Poland. Dr Szułdrzyński: the limits will not be respected

– These are not restrictions tailored to the needs, but to the extent of political possibilities – assessed the new rules Dr. Konstanty Szułdrzyński from the Medical Council at the prime minister. In an interview with PAP, he stressed that this type of movement was not consulted by the government with the Medical Council, although in the case of such “cosmetic” changes, he did not see the need for such a consultation.

– The current limits are completely disregarded, not enforced. It will be like that with the next ones. What is most effective from the medical point of view is included in the recommendations of the Medical Council. Recently, also in the appeal of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases, signed by most of the members of the Medical Council – believes Dr. Szułdrzyński.

  1. Il-Pollakki jridu aktar restrizzjonijiet? Riżultati MedTvoiLokony

– The restrictions were made so that it could not be said that the government did nothing. In fact, I have no doubt at all that the government knows exactly what would need to be done. I also think that the government would like to introduce it, but I understand that it is a matter of the political situation in which we all find ourselves hostage – including the decision-makers – concluded the pulmonologist.

Restrictions in Poland. Bartosz Fiałek: limits also for the vaccinated

Doctor Bartosz FIałek in an interview with positively assessed the introduction of quarantine for people coming from southern Africa, but believes that this solution is incomplete.

– I do not understand why vaccinated people will not receive it when they come from other countries. You should be aware that vaccinations greatly reduce the number of behaviors and the risk of serious complications, but they are not ideal – that is, 100%. they do not protect us against the coronavirus. The person who is vaccinated may also spread the coronavirus, to a lesser degree, of course, but still – emphasized Fiałek.

  1. Prof Fal: Ir-raba’ mewġa mhux se tkun l-aħħar epidemija. Żewġ gruppi ta’ nies ibatu l-aktar serji

In his opinion, internal regulations related to reducing the limits of presence in cinemas or restaurants should also apply to vaccinated people.

Trid tittestja l-immunità tal-COVID-19 tiegħek wara t-tilqim? Ġejt infettat u trid tiċċekkja l-livelli tal-antikorpi tiegħek? Ara l-pakkett tat-test tal-immunità tal-COVID-19, li se twettaq fil-punti tan-netwerk tad-Djanjostiċi.

– It would be understandable if vaccinated people developed sterile immunity, or not only that they would not get sick, but also would not transmit the pathogen. We know that is not the case. The hooked person may get sick. Of course, the course will be asymptomatic or mild. If she gets sick, she can transmit a new virus. How it can transmit, it can infect others. I do not fully understand why the vaccinated people are taken out of the limits and I do not fully understand that the vaccinated persons are released from quarantine – innota.

Aqra wkoll:

  1. Omicron. Il-varjant il-ġdid tal-Covid-19 għandu isem. Għaliex huwa importanti?
  2. X'inhuma s-sintomi tal-varjant il-ġdid ta' Omikron? Huma mhux tas-soltu
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  4. X'inhuma s-sintomi tal-pazjenti COVID-19 issa?

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