4 evidenza qawwija li l-ħalib tas-sider huwa ikel ideali għat-trabi
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Many years of research on the ingredients contained in human milk confirm that scientists believe that breast milk is the best that a woman can give her baby. Due to the enormity of its advantages, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of an infant’s life and its continuation until the child’s second birthday, and even longer – while expanding its diet. What is the reason why breast milk is the best way to feed an infant?

  1. Provides the baby with the nutrients necessary for harmonious development

In the first years, an infant’s organism develops extremely intensively, therefore it needs exceptional support – especially in the field of nutrition. When breastfeeding, mom gives her baby a unique composition of nutrients in the right amount and proportion, including carbohydrates including oligosaccharides[1], proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and immune modulators. All of them together have a multidimensional meaning – both for the proper physical and intellectual development of a child.

  1. It is a protective shield against infections and diseases

Immediately after birth, the young child’s body is not yet fully mature and does not produce antibodies on its own, therefore it needs support in protection against viruses and bacteria. Mother’s milk is the best food for a baby and its constantly developing immune system – thanks to unique immunological compounds, it protects against pathogens and stimulates other defense mechanisms in the body.

  1. It is valuable, always fresh and easily accessible

There is no easier way to satisfy your baby’s hunger and thirst than by feeding him straight from the breast. Human milk – apart from being a wholesome and easily digestible meal – always has the right temperature.

  1. Builds strong emotional bonds

Every mother cares about being with her child – it is thanks to the closeness that she can feel loved and safe. Diet also plays an important role in creating a unique and intimate relationship between mum and baby. Breastfeeding and the sound of the mother’s heartbeat, mum’s breath heard during this activity, or the possibility of looking her straight in the eyes develops strong emotional bonds in the infant – all this makes mum’s milk unquestionably closest to him.

And if a woman cannot breastfeed …

… In consultation with the pediatrician, she should choose an appropriate formula for her baby, which is similar in composition to human breast milk. It is worth remembering that whether a given product has a composition similar to mum’s milk, it is not one ingredient, but the entire composition.

In response to the nutritional needs of infants who cannot be breastfed, scientists from Nutricia developed another milk Bebilon 2complete composition also containing ingredients naturally found in breast milk[2]. Thanks to this, it provides the child with many benefits, including supports the proper development, including the functioning of the immune system and the development of cognitive functions. It’s all thanks to the content:

  1. a unique composition of GOS / FOS oligosaccharides in the ratio of 9: 1, which imitate the composition of short- and long-chain oligosaccharides of mother’s milk,
  2. DHA acid for the development of the brain and eyesight,
  3. vitamins A, C and D to support the immune system,
  4. iodine and iron for cognitive development [3].

It is also modified milk most often recommended by pediatricians in Poland[4].

Informazzjoni importanti: It-treddigħ huwa l-aktar mod xieraq u irħas ta’ treddigħ tat-trabi u huwa rakkomandat għat-tfal żgħar flimkien ma’ dieta varjata. Il-ħalib tal-omm fih in-nutrijenti meħtieġa għall-iżvilupp xieraq tat-tarbija u jipproteġiha kontra mard u infezzjonijiet. It-treddigħ jagħti l-aħjar riżultati meta l-omm tkun mitmugħa sew waqt it-tqala u t-treddigħ, u meta ma jkunx hemm treddigħ mhux ġustifikat tat-tarbija. Qabel ma tiddeċiedi li tibdel il-metodu tat-tmigħ, l-omm għandha tikkonsulta lit-tabib tagħha.

[1] Ballard O, Morrow AL. Kompożizzjoni tal-ħalib uman: nutrijenti u fatturi bijoattivi. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2013;60(1):49-74.

[2] The complete composition of Bebilon 2, in accordance with the law, includes, inter alia, vitamins A, C and D for the proper functioning of the immune system, DHA for the development of the brain and eyesight, and iron for cognitive development. Lactose, DHA, vitamins, iodine, iron, calcium and nucleotides naturally occur in breast milk. Mother’s milk also contains unique ingredients, including antibodies, hormones and enzymes.

[3] Bebilon 2, according to the law, contains vitamins A, C and D important for the proper functioning of the immune system and iodine and iron important for the development of cognitive functions, as well as DHA important for the development of the brain and eyesight.

[4] Fost il-ħalib li jmiss, ibbażat fuq studju li sar minn Kantar Polska SA fi Frar 2020.

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