Kif taħdem bil-kalma meta kulħadd ikun id-dar: 5 pariri għall-kwarantina

We are used to the morning hustle and bustle, the crush on the subway, coffee on the run and conversations with colleagues. From this, including our working day. And now, when we have to work from home, our brains are confused. How can we help him get involved in the process faster so that we fulfill our duties on time?

For many of us, working from home is a new experience. Someone rejoices, and someone, on the contrary, is confused. After all, you need to restructure the schedule, change habits. To make the most of your time and quickly adapt to a new work format, follow 5 simple rules and enjoy quarantine.

1. Lesti għax-xogħol

We are pleased with the opportunity to sleep longer, have a calm breakfast in bed, sit with a computer in a soft comfortable chair. Isn’t this what we dreamed of, grabbing the rails on the subway at rush hour?

But, unfortunately, our brain loves rituals too much — they help it quickly navigate what is happening. Over the long years of working in the office, he got used to getting up, getting dressed, washing, driving, and only then joining the work process. Change confuses him.

Therefore, keeping at least part of the morning habits, you will be easier to focus on tasks and concentrate. Otherwise, your brain will decide that it’s the weekend and allow yourself to relax. You are not in a hurry, you are not in a hurry, you do not leave the house — that means you are not working.

2. Create an office at home

Imagine a desk in an office. This picture immediately sets you up for work. But the sofa and TV are associated with relaxation. When you work from home, you definitely need to choose a place for your «home» office.

It is important that the workplace is comfortable. It is better to sit at a table on a chair than to put a laptop on your knees and lie down on the sofa. The bed and comfortable chair are perfect for breaks.

Organize your workspace so that everything is at your fingertips. So that you do not have to go to the kitchen or to the next room every five minutes. And it happens that you go out to drink water, and you return in an hour, because you saw an interesting program on TV.

Make sure your loved ones understand that when you’re in your «home office» you shouldn’t be interrupted. Please follow this rule. If possible, lock the door.

3. Skeda

If you have decided on a place, plan your working day. There are two options here.

In the first case, you work according to the usual schedule. Sit down at the computer at the usual time, go to lunch at lunchtime, finish as usual. The advantage of this option is that you will free up two hours that you spent on the road. Use them with pleasure — walk, run, meditate, communicate with loved ones. Try not to sit down to work earlier than usual, and do not stay too long.

If you choose the second option, then you will first have to divide your day into segments. Their duration will be approximately 40 minutes — that’s How long we can spend without being distracted from the task. For convenience, you can even set a timer. Take 10 minute breaks between stretches.

Make a work plan for specific tasks. “Thinking about a project” is too general a wording. But “write 5 options for solving a supply problem” is already better.

Each of the options for organizing the workflow is not ideal. The first is dangerous because you can start to postpone work, because the day is long and no one controls you. The second can be difficult in that you first need to make a schedule and set a timer. And not everyone likes it. Choose what suits you best.

4. Ikkomunika mal-kollegi

Working from home doesn’t have to be a retreat. You should not stop communicating with colleagues, because we all talk quite a lot with others in the office. You may not be able to drink coffee together, but nothing prevents you from discussing the news, sharing opinions, impressions, asking for advice.

If you completely isolate yourself, then after a few days you will get bored out of habit, and this will not benefit your work. Set up a daily chat meeting, initiate a morning meeting.

Believe me, this will make it much easier for you to stay on course, maintain a sense of the overall process and remember that you are responsible to your colleagues for your part of the work.

5. Take nice breaks

Don’t forget to take breaks. Think of ways to enjoy and use your free time from work. And it’s better not to go to Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) and not to occupy yourself with eating goodies. It won’t bring you satisfaction.

For some, a great vacation would be to play with the cat, walk the dog, cook dinner or clean the floor. Or maybe you want to listen to a record or do ten push-ups.

If you can walk, take a walk in the park or make a circle around the house. And if you can’t, sit on the balcony or at least open the windows. Fresh air will do you good.

There are many pros and cons to working from home. And self-discipline will make it as convenient and effective as possible. A clear separation of work time and rest time will give you the opportunity to remain productive and enjoy the breaks.

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