Excessive gases – an embarrassing problem that can be fought!
Excessive gases - an embarrassing problem that can be fought!Gassijiet eċċessivi - problema imbarazzanti li tista 'tiġi miġġielda!

Frequent flatulence and excessive production of intestinal gases may indicate a poorly selected diet. However, some people are more predisposed to similar ailments. Although excessive gas is an embarrassing problem, in difficult cases it is worth going to a gastroenterologist. In slightly lighter cases – we recommend proven home remedies and preparations from the pharmacy!

Excessive production of intestinal gases

This phenomenon is called flatulence in medicine. Unfortunately, this is a natural process of the body, however, excessive production of intestinal gas can be unpleasant, especially when it happens in company. Gases are produced especially by the digestion and fermentation of carbohydrates. Other types of chemicals are less likely to cause similar problems.

The gases may have an unpleasant odor, then they also contain hydrogen, methane, nitrogen or carbon dioxide. They can also be odorless.

They are formed when undigested carbohydrates in the stomach travel to the large intestine, where they are digested and fermented.

When does the body produce more gas?

  • When food is chewed in a hurry and in large quantities, it enters the stomach in a short time
  • When we bite an incorrectly larger portion, we eat in a hurry, and the food is not well broken up
  • When we drink water or tea together with food

Other causes of excessive gas formation:

  • The production of too much gas can be caused by an abnormal structure of the intestines
  • It can also be the result of living in the digestive tract of parasites
  • Excessive gas also causes diverticulitis
  • Sometimes excessive gas production can be caused by lactose intolerance
  • Problems of this type can also be caused by a hereditary tendency. Then, it would be appropriate to carry out appropriate tests and check which products exactly cause gas formation, and then discontinue them or take special medications, e.g. for lactose digestion

Nutritional errors and incorrect diet

Excessive gas production, or flatulence, is most often the result of an incorrect diet. This diet is rich in carbohydrates and low in other nutrients. Excessive gases can also arise as a result of eating too much fiber, e.g. dietary supplements and black, dark bread at the same time.

Excessive gas production is very often accompanied by bloating, indigestion and even abdominal pain.

Products causing excessive gas formation:

  • Beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, lentils, peas
  • Lactose found in cow’s milk
  • Oligosaccharides and starch
  • Nuħħala
  • Apples, plums
  • Apple juices and other fruit juices
  • Pasta, corn, potatoes

Gases and vitamin C

Excessive production of intestinal gas can also be caused by taking vitamin C as a dietary supplement. Then you should limit the amount of vitamin intake to about 200 mg per day.

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