Angina in the summer – causes and treatment of summer angina
Angina in the summer - causes and treatment of summer anginaAnġina fis-sajf - kawżi u trattament ta 'anġina tas-sajf

A sore throat is usually associated with the winter months and the cold season. It happens, however, that the condition associated with sore throat and painful swallowing of food also happens in the summer and is then diagnosed as summer angina. How can you get infected with it? How to avoid angina during the holiday season so as not to spoil the long-awaited vacation and rest? How to fight it effectively, when it is impossible to avoid getting sick after all?

Angina – how to treat at home?

How can you even get angina? The mechanism of this ailment is quite simple and schematic. The risk of getting sick occurs when the air temperature is high, the blood vessels in the throat dilate and there is a need to cool down with a cold drink or a tasty portion of ice cream. As a result of eating such a delicacy or drinking a cold drink, the blood vessels constrict rapidly, which makes the mucosa in the throat more vulnerable to attack by microorganisms. Bacteria located in the oral cavity then have easier access to the throat tissue, multiply, which can finally lead to inflammation of the tonsils – otherwise known as anġina.

The course of angina – how to recognize it?

Anġina manifests itself in a very characteristic way, making swallowing difficult and causing strong sore throat when swallowing. This pain is usually radiating and is also felt around the ears. There is also often an accompanying symptom in the form of a strong fever. In the next phase of the disease, the lymph nodes enlarge, touching them causes pain. At a later stage, a white coating in the throat appears, which is very characteristic for angina – the flagship symptom of this disease. The simplest combating action faringite is undergoing antibiotic treatment. This is because it is an ailment caused by bacteria that can be effectively dealt with in this way.

Angina in the summer – what to do?

The characteristic symptom of angina – nagging uġigħ fil-griżmejn you can try to neutralize it with home remedies. Treatment of angina at home it is based primarily on the fact that one should stay in this house without going out for several days. Of course, after prior diagnosis of the disease by a doctor. In addition, you can help yourself in this situation by using gargles with chamomile or sage infusions. Regular rinsing with a summer decoction will bring the expected relief. If strep throat is accompanied by a high fever, drinking plenty of fluids will also help. During the illness due to uġigħ fil-griżmejn swallowing is difficult, so it is worth skilfully choosing foods and taking only those in the form of liquids or creams. In addition, in pharmacies you can get various preparations in the form of lozenges, the use of which brings relief to irritated mucous membranes.

Sore throat in summer – how to avoid it?

Becoming ill antraċi is not the most pleasant – it is associated with numerous ailments that effectively take away the will to live. It is therefore worth taking a moment to learn about possible ways to avoid this ailment. In order not to let angina in the summer avoid staying in heavily air-conditioned rooms where the difference between the temperature outside and the temperature inside is large. You should also give up drinking drinks straight from the fridge, drinks stored in this place should warm up for a while to reach room temperature. Unfortunately, contrary to appearances, it is also inadvisable to eat large amounts of ice cream during very hot days. By following these basic rules, we close the chance for bacteria causing purulent tonsillitis to spread in our body.

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