Liema grupp ta' età x'aktarx jittrasmetti l-koronavirus? Arranġamenti ġodda mal-Istati Uniti
Coronavirus Dak li trid tkun taf Coronavirus fil-Polonja Coronavirus fl-Ewropa Coronavirus fid-dinja Mappa Gwida Mistoqsijiet frekwenti #Ejja nitkellmu dwar

F'konformità mal-missjoni tiegħu, il-Bord Editorjali ta 'MedTvoiLokony jagħmel kull sforz biex jipprovdi kontenut mediku affidabbli appoġġjat mill-aħħar għarfien xjentifiku. Il-marka addizzjonali "Kontenut Iċċekkjat" tindika li l-artiklu ġie rivedut minn jew miktub direttament minn tabib. Din il-verifika f'żewġ passi: ġurnalist mediku u tabib jippermettulna nipprovdu l-ogħla kontenut ta 'kwalità f'konformità mal-għarfien mediku attwali.

L-impenn tagħna f’dan il-qasam ġie apprezzat, fost l-oħrajn, mill-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Ġurnalisti għas-Saħħa, li tat lill-Bord Editorjali ta’ MedTvoiLokony it-titlu onorarju ta’ Edukatur il-Kbir.

The so-called young adults are the largest carriers of COVID-19 in the United States, experts have determined. Therefore, according to epidemiologists, they should be vaccinated earlier. This causes quite a dilemma, because the vaccine is given to seniors first.

  1. People in the 2020-20 age bracket, especially 49-35, are responsible for the increase in infections in the US in the second half of 49, researchers found
  2. According to some, they should be vaccinated first
  3. However, this cannot be at the expense of seniors, says Anthony Fauci, an American infectious disease expert. 
  4. More information regarding the coronavirus can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus. People aged 20-49 are responsible for the highest number of infections in the United States

The study was conducted by a team of specialists from Imperial College London. They used data from over 10 million cell phone locations and combined it with information on the spread of COVID-19.

Research shows that the elderly and children have a much smaller impact on the spread of the coronavirus. This could mean that opening schools may not significantly affect transmission of the virus as is commonly believed.

  1. Jiġi d-dar bil-COVID-19. Min se jkun infettat l-aktar mgħaġġel?

«The study shows that the increase in COVID-19 infections in the USA in 2020 was caused by people aged 20 to 49, and especially by the 35-49 age group. It happened both before and after the reopening of schools, ‘reads the report published in the journal Science.

After the schools reopened in October 2020, this group accounted for 72,2 percent. SARS-CoV-2 infections in the US regions studied. Children up to 9 years of age “were responsible” for 5 percent. infections, while adolescents (10-19 years) for 10 percent.

  1. Matul l-epidemija Spanjola, it-tfal reġgħu lura l-iskola. Kif spiċċat?

“People between the ages of 35 and 49 may be the most driving factor behind the pandemic than younger adults (20-34),” said Oliver Ratmann of Imperial College. “Therefore, perhaps mass vaccination of people aged 20-49 will help stop the resurgent wave of COVID-19 infections,” he added.

According to research by Imperial College, people aged 35 to 49 accounted for 41 percent. new transmission of the virus by mid-August, people aged 20-34 years have caused 35 percent. In the cases of children and adolescents, the share was 6%. and among people aged 50 – 64 – 15 percent.

According to scientists, the cause of the increase in the incidence in the second half of 2020 was changes in the mobility and behavior of people aged 20-49.

Coronavirus in the USA – who to vaccinate first?

According to the authors of the report, vaccinations in the United States should focus on people aged 20 to 49 years. However, there are not enough vaccinations, and health workers and nursing home residents are vaccinated first, as well as those over the age of 65, as this age group is considered to be the most at risk of dying from COVID-19.

  1. Il-vaċċin AstraZeneca huwa awtorizzat. X’nafu dwarha?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, agreed that prior immunization should be considered for the 20-49 age groups, but not at the expense of the elderly, especially those with chronic diseases. – We cannot neglect seniors, because they will start to be hospitalized more often and the death rate will increase – he said in an interview with CNN.

Dr. Jonathan Reiner, professor of medicine at George Washington University, agrees with the suggestion that people of working age do not have to be at the end of the line. – We should start giving the coronavirus vaccine to younger people because they are spreading the virus. Reiner added.

#Ejja nitkellmu dwar it-Tilqim

Għandek mistoqsija dwar il-vaċċin COVID-19? Trid taqsam l-esperjenzi tiegħek tat-teħid tal-vaċċin? Iktbilna: [email protected]

– Everyone has to be vaccinated in the end. If we vaccinate older people, we will save their lives because they are more at risk. And if we vaccinate younger people, we will also save someone’s life because they spread the virus – he said.

Dan jista' jinteressak:

  1. Israel vaccinates its inhabitants the fastest. How does Poland fare against it?
  2. The COVID-19 vaccine is safe for pregnant women. WHO changes its position
  3. Huma l-aktar super-trasportaturi komuni tal-virus

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