In-Norveġiżi bdew jittrattaw il-COVID-19 bħall-influwenza? Hemm reazzjoni mill-awtoritajiet lokali
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In Norway, the restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic were lifted at the end of September. Immediately afterwards, there were suggestions that this Scandinavian country reclassified COVID-19 by treating the disease like the seasonal flu. What is the official position of the Norwegian authorities?

  1. The fourth coronavirus wave is slowly dying out in Norway
  2. Even at the beginning of September, there were reports of a record number of new coronavirus cases since the beginning of the pandemic
  3. At the end of last month, the country’s COVID-19 restrictions were lifted
  4. Norway has one of the lowest death rates per population in Europe
  5. Aktar informazzjoni tinsab fuq il-homepage ta’ Onet

Norway lifted the restrictions

In late September, Norway lifted restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic. These are the effects of stabilizing the number of COVID-19 infections at a low level and a high percentage of vaccinated citizens.

– It has been 561 days since we introduced the strictest measures in Norway in peacetime – said the Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg. “It’s time to get back to your normal everyday life,” she added.

In Norway, proof of vaccination or a negative coronavirus test result is no longer required when entering restaurants, bars or nightclubs. The conditions for accepting travelers from other countries have also been eased.

Il-bqija tat-test jinsab taħt il-video.

The Norwegians could afford it because they are one of the best vaccinated European countries. On September 30, 67 percent were fully vaccinated. citizens, one dose of the vaccine received 77 percent.

In the latest map of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), almost all of the country is marked in yellow. Red is only one region in Norway. The yellow color of ECDC means that in a given area the number of infections in the last two weeks is greater than 50 and less than 75 per 100. residents (or greater than 75, but coronavirus testing positive below 4). On September 9, almost half of the country was marked in red.

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The latest data shows 309 new cases of coronavirus in Norway. At the turn of August and September, over 1,6 thous. infections.

The restrictions have also recently been lifted in two other Scandinavian countries, Denmark and Sweden. Norway is the best among the three when it comes to the number of deaths per million inhabitants (calculated from the beginning of the pandemic). In Norway it is 157, in Denmark 457, and in Sweden 1 thousand. 462. For comparison, for Poland this indicator is over 2.

Has Norway “reclassified” COVID to influenza?

Due to the easing of the Nowergia restrictions, there have been a lot of articles and social media posts recently saying that “Norway has reclassified COVID-19 and now views the disease as a common flu”. Such claims suggest that the country’s authorities believe the coronavirus is not “more dangerous” than other common respiratory diseases.

Local health services protested against such suggestions. – It is not true that the Norwegian Institute of Public Health [NIPH] claimed that “COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the common flu”. This statement is probably a misinterpretation of a recent interview in a Norwegian newspaper, a spokesman (NIPH) told IFLScience.

  1. Minn Awwissu, il-livell ta 'immunità għall-koronavirus fil-Polonja ilu jonqos. Din id-dejta hija inkwetanti

The aforementioned article in the VG tabloid featured a comment by Geir Bukholm, NIPH’s deputy general manager, who said that “we are now in a new phase where we need to look at the coronavirus as one of several respiratory diseases with a seasonal variation”.

“ Our position is that at this point in the pandemic, we need to start treating COVID-19 as one of several respiratory diseases emerging with seasonal variation. This means that the control measures that will apply to all respiratory diseases will require the same level of public responsibility, the spokesman explained.

“This does not mean, however, that SARS-CoV-2 disease and seasonal flu are similar,” the spokesman added.

The coronavirus is the flu

Influenza and COVID-19 are infectious respiratory diseases, but are caused by a variety of viruses. Both diseases can have similar symptoms, such as cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue, and body aches, but – the biggest difference in these conditions – COVID-19 is much more lethal.

Infectious disease specialists also point out that flu is always symptomatic, which is not always the case with COVID-19.

  1. Il-Pollakki qed jibżgħu inqas u inqas mill-koronavirus. U ma jridux jitlaqqmu

A feature of COVID-19 that is not associated with the flu is its long-term negative health effects and complications such as “brain fog”, chronic fatigue, and damage to many organs.

Virologists also point out that more people have died from COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic in the United States than during the Spanish flu in 1918, the deadliest flu epidemic in the last century.

Trid tittestja l-immunità tal-COVID-19 tiegħek wara t-tilqim? Ġejt infettat u trid tiċċekkja l-livelli tal-antikorpi tiegħek? Ara l-pakkett tat-test tal-immunità tal-COVID-19, li se twettaq fil-punti tan-netwerk tad-Djanjostiċi.

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