Coral viburnum – nutritional values, properties. The use of coral viburnum bark

F'konformità mal-missjoni tiegħu, il-Bord Editorjali ta 'MedTvoiLokony jagħmel kull sforz biex jipprovdi kontenut mediku affidabbli appoġġjat mill-aħħar għarfien xjentifiku. Il-marka addizzjonali "Kontenut Iċċekkjat" tindika li l-artiklu ġie rivedut minn jew miktub direttament minn tabib. Din il-verifika f'żewġ passi: ġurnalist mediku u tabib jippermettulna nipprovdu l-ogħla kontenut ta 'kwalità f'konformità mal-għarfien mediku attwali.

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Coral viburnum is a shrub with stately white flowers and tiny red fruits. Due to its appearance, it is eagerly grown in the garden, but it also grows wild near water reservoirs – near ponds, streams, and ponds. It is a symbol of virginity, it appeared many times in the works of Polish poets – Juliusz Słowacki or Teofil Lenartowicz. Its health properties have been known for centuries.

Coral viburnum – nutritional values

Coral viburnum is a shrub. Its height is about 40 cm and it grows very quickly. It is distinguished from other plants by a characteristic crown made of leaves. The plant can be found in humid places, e.g. by rivers and ponds, and grows all over Poland. Nevertheless, coral viburnum is also planted in gardens, although in this case its cultivars are most often chosen.

Coral viburnum has found application in natural medicine. Its fruits and bark are the most valuable, although the roots and flowers are also processed. The plant has gained popularity because its fruits are not only great for all preserves, but are also rich in vitamins C, A and P. The bark of the coral viburnum, thanks to the flavonoids contained in it, can be used for the production of infusions.

Coral viburnum – health properties

A decoction of coral viburnum is a medicine that relieves the tension of the uterine muscles – it is possible due to the content of coumarin. Coral viburnum is a popular remedy for treating painful periods and cramps. Thanks to the substances contained in its cortex, it is easier to stop slight bleeding from the reproductive organs. Coral viburnum bark is also helpful in treating ailments in the period of menopause.

Coral viburnum should be used after prior consultation with a specialist – this especially applies to pregnant women. The plant is helpful for pregnant women as it inhibits vomiting, nervous disorders and leg cramps. Natural medicine specialists use coral viburnum in the event of premature birth or the risk of miscarriage.

Despite the many beneficial healing properties of guelder rose, it should not be forgotten that the saponins contained in its raw fruits are poisonous and pose the greatest danger to children. Excessive consumption of the fruits of the coral viburnum manifests itself as dizziness, vomiting and even loss of consciousness. To reduce the harmful properties of the fruit, it must be frozen or boiled beforehand.

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The viburnum bush offers much more health properties. The fruits of the plant can be successfully used to treat digestive system diseases because they contain antibacterial properties. In natural medicine, they are used to treat diarrhea and stomach ulcers – then it is recommended to use a decoction of viburnum flowers. In addition, they also treat intestinal spasms.

Coral viburnum bark – health properties

A decoction of the coral viburnum bark accelerates metabolism and helps in the fight against haemorrhoids. In addition, it has a diuretic effect and facilitates the treatment of the prostate and supports the work of the kidneys. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties, so it is also helpful in treating the common cold and flu. A decoction of coral viburnum strengthens the digestive system.

Viburnum bark, viburnum flower and viburnum fruits – how to collect them?

The bark of viburnum is harvested in early spring. It is advisable to choose young twigs which can then be dried like flowers. The fruits of the viburnum are harvested between August and October. Although their appearance may suggest that they are tasty, in reality they do not offer … an unforgettable culinary experience. It is worth remembering that even preserves made of viburnum fruits should not be consumed in excessive amounts.

Neutralization of harmful substances contained in the fruit of viburnum takes place only after heat treatment. Thanks to it, the bitter taste of the fruit is also removed. Without this, you should not proceed with the production of preserves, e.g. juices, syrups, jams and preserves. However, once they are formed, they can be stored for many months.

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