Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

Many commands in Word have keyboard shortcuts assigned. This allows you to quickly apply formatting, save files, or perform other tasks. Keyboard shortcuts are customizable, so you can assign a shortcut to a team that doesn’t have one yet. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to access keyboard shortcuts for Word commands, add new ones, or change existing ones.

There are several ways to access the Ribbon’s customization menu, which is where the dialog box lets you assign hotkeys.

ikklikkja l- Fillet (Fajl).

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

Ikklikkja fuq il-menu fuq ix-xellug Għażliet (Għażliet).

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

Fil-kaxxa tad-djalogu Għażliet ta 'kliem (Word Options) in the list on the left, select Customize Ribbon (Ippersonalizza żigarella).

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

You can access this window even faster: right-click on the name of any tab on the Ribbon and select the item from the drop-down menu Ippersonalizza ż-Żigarella (Configurazzjoni taż-żigarella).

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

Fuq in-naħa tax-xellug tat-tieqa Customize the Ribbon and keyboard shortcuts (Customize Ribbon and Keyboard Shortcuts) is a list of commands. Under this list next to the inscription Diffikultajiet tat-tastiera (Keyboard Shortcuts) click on the button Customize (Setup).

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

Se tidher kaxxa tad-djalogu Ippersonalizza Keyboard (Keyboard setting). To sort all the commands in the list on the right, select Kmandi kollha (All commands) in the list kategoriji (Categories). If you know which category contains the command you want to assign hotkeys to, you can select it to reduce the number of commands in the list on the right.

Select the desired command from the list Kmandijiet (Commands). If the keyboard shortcut in the field Ċwievet kurrenti (Current combinations) is not listed, which means it has not yet been assigned.

To assign a keyboard shortcut to a command, place the cursor in the field Agħfas shortcut key ġdida (New keyboard shortcut) and press the combination that suits you. If the specified combination is not used by any Word command, the field Currently assigned (Current destination) will display the response li mhijiex assenjata (Not). Click the button Assenja (Assign) to assign the selected combination to a team.

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

Nota: If you’re typing a keyboard shortcut that’s already assigned to a command, Word will let you know by showing you the name of the corresponding command. Just type other combinations into the input field until you see the inscription li mhijiex assenjata (No) as shown in the image below.

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

As soon as you click Assenja (Assign), the new keyboard shortcut will be added to the list Ċwievet kurrenti (Current combinations).

Nota: You can assign multiple keyboard shortcuts to a single command.

Ikklikkja fuq Fermer (Close) to exit the dialog box Ippersonalizza Keyboard (Issettjar tat-tastiera).

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

Nota: To cancel a keyboard shortcut, select it from the list Ċwievet kurrenti (Current combinations) and click on neħħi (Ħassar).

Ikklikkja OK fil-kaxxa tad-djalogu Għażliet ta 'kliem (Għażliet tal-Kelma) biex tagħlaqha.

Kif tassenja shortcuts tat-tastiera għall-kmandi tal-Word

You can always change an existing keyboard shortcut for a command. To do this, you must delete the current one and assign a new one.

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