Żiemel u Xadina Żodijaku Ċiniż Kompatibilità

The compatibility of the Horse and the Monkey is high if the Monkey is ready to adapt to the partner. Because the Horse, with its well-established habits, is unlikely to be able to keep up with the artistic and restless Monkey. However, these signs coexist perfectly together. Under the influence of the Horse, the Monkey becomes more calm and concentrated, and the Horse, under the influence of the Monkey, acquires more lightness and love of life.

The stars say that relationships will develop better in a pair where the sign of the Horse belongs to a man. In this case, it is easier for the Monkey to obey the spouse. And in a couple where a man belongs to the sign of the Monkey, harmony is much more difficult to achieve. Here, the Horse woman seems too intrusive, and the Monkey man is not ready to withstand such an onslaught – he takes his partner’s desire to know him a little better as an encroachment on his freedom.

Compatibility: Horse Man and Monkey Woman

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman is not very high, so any union that this couple creates is doomed to difficulty. These signs have different views on the world, different values ​​and habits, so it is difficult for them to understand each other. The fate of the couple depends on the flexibility of the woman and her desire to maintain a relationship with the Horse.

The Horse Man is a sincere, cheerful, optimistic person who loves to spend time in big noisy companies. Such a person achieves everything in life on his own. The Horse Man has good intuition and the talent to quickly adapt to new conditions. There is no area in which he could not achieve success. If the Horse man has freedom of action, he will quickly fly up. Such a man does not like monotony, he is attracted by movement, development, emotions. The Horse man can be flexible where required, but he will not tolerate being criticized, blamed or discredited.

The whole life of the Horse man consists of victories: sports, work, personal. He does not lag behind in love relationships. The Horse man’s partners change one after another, but at the same time, the Stallion begins each new novel with the absolute certainty that this is his destiny. Alas, the eyes of love are blind, so it is not surprising that later it turns out that the chosen one does not suit the Horse at all, neither in character, nor in life principles, nor in temperament.

The Monkey Woman is a positive, kind and helpful lady. She is smart, outgoing and gets along well with people. In fact, the Monkey woman is a little eccentric and arrogant. She considers herself superior to others and always derives some personal benefit from all relationships. Developed intuition helps the Monkey instantly draw up a psychological portrait of the person of interest to her and understand how this knowledge can be used. The Monkey Woman is never 100% honest. It is in her nature to dissemble, to lie, to turn the truth inside out. This is her special charm.

The personal life of the Monkey woman is unstable. This restless temptress has many fans, but in a fit of love, she tends to discard sober thinking and, succumbing to emotions, choose someone who does not suit her at all. Therefore, by the time all the peers get married, the Monkey already has two or three divorces. At a more mature age, the Monkey is more likely to build a strong family.

General information about the compatibility of a male Horse and a female Monkey

Despite the difference in characters and habits, the Horse man and the Monkey woman can have very good compatibility. In general, the representatives of these signs are similar to each other. Both the Horse and the Monkey know what they want from life, and go ahead to their goals, not listening to any advice or warnings. But the Horse moves straight to the goal, demolishing any obstacles in its path. And the cunning Monkey prefers to act in detours.

The Horse man, as a rule, is unpleasant for the Monkey’s penchant for cunning, tricks and manipulation. He appreciates honesty and directness and does not trust those who play around and look for profit everywhere. On the other hand, because of its straightforwardness, the Horse constantly makes gross mistakes, spoils relations with others. Under the influence of the Monkey, the Horse man becomes more prudent, more flexible.

In general, Horse and Monkey are able to get along well. These are two creative personalities who are always moving somewhere, achieving something. Both value family relationships, but are not ready to fully devote their lives to home and family. Horses and Monkeys are not bored together, they have many common interests.

Of course, this pair is not without quarrels. There is a lot of criticism, discontent, misunderstanding in the communication of the Horse and the Monkey. These guys are constantly arguing about something, quarreling. The Horse Man is quick-tempered, but quickly moves away, forgets insults. But the Monkey remembers everything, although he may not show it. In addition, she has a very sharp tongue. At the right moment, she will lay out all her trump cards on the table, hitting her opponent to the quick.

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman can be high when both need it. Normally, the relationship between these signs is very ambiguous. Throughout their lives, these guys experience a lot of both happy moments and terrible scandals. Very often, the Horse and the Monkey are not ready to sacrifice something for the sake of improving their relationship. Everyone is focused on himself and does not want to sacrifice personal comfort.

Love Compatibility: Horse Man and Monkey Woman

The love compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman is as high as possible at the very beginning of their relationship, while both hush up grievances and avoid conflicts. During this period, lovers enjoy each other’s company.

However, very soon, the Horse and the Monkey begin to annoy all sorts of little things in each other’s behavior. For example, the Horse is unpleasant that the chosen one lives a lot inside herself, does not share her thoughts and plans with him. It is important for him to be understood and understand the intentions and desires of his partner. And the Monkey, on the contrary, does not like such directness and prefers to constantly play some roles.

In principle, at this stage, the couple can break up. This is what happens when both are looking for an easy relationship and are not ready to work. However, if both the Horse and the Monkey are aimed at creating a more serious union, they can succeed. They just need to be more attentive to each other in order to learn to understand and accept each other with all the pluses and minuses.

The compatibility of a Horse man and a Monkey woman in love is always very high at the beginning of a relationship, but then it quickly decreases. Whether these two stay together depends on how serious they are about the relationship.

Marriage Compatibility: Horse Man and Monkey Woman

The compatibility of a Horse man and a Monkey woman in marriage can become higher if both make an effort for this. These spouses are well united by spending time together. Horse and Monkey love adventure. They are in the eternal search for new experiences, willingly attend all kinds of entertainment events. They are in no way inferior to each other. They are willingly invited to visit and to parties, because in the company of these two no one is bored.

Even having entered into an official marriage, the Horse man and the Monkey woman remain not serious enough. This gives their relationship playfulness, unpredictability. This brings the spouses together, improves the atmosphere in their home. On the other hand, increased emotionality and craving for entertainment makes this couple impractical and unable to adequately resolve conflicts.

The grinding period in this pair is difficult, but then the relationship between the Horse and the Monkey gets better. Both get tired of conflicts and learn to take problems more calmly. As a result, the couple becomes so strong that even the strongest shakes are not afraid of it. Such a family will go through any losses and falls hand in hand.

Compatibility in bed: Horse man and Monkey woman

The sexual compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman is very high. Sometimes one sex is enough to save a couple for a long time. Partners are interesting and good together. They do not bother creating some special emotional background and do not need to achieve strong spiritual intimacy. They just like to receive physical pleasure from each other and bring joy to each other.

Horse and Monkey easily find an approach to each other. Intimacy plays an important role in this couple. Both are equally active, both are ready for experiments. As a rule, in this pair, the woman takes more initiative. And if the partner stops keeping up with her, she may begin to seek pleasure on the side.

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman in sex is not bad. But, unfortunately, she cannot bring partners together on a spiritual level. This means that no matter how colorful the intimate life of these guys is, this is still not enough for the development of relationships.

Friendship Compatibility: Horse Man and Monkey Woman

But the friendly compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman is very low. And this is not surprising, given the nature of the Monkey. This lady is ready to sacrifice any relationship for her own benefit. It costs nothing for her to substitute her best friend, she cares little about the feelings of others.

The horse is initially distrustful of such a girlfriend and cannot trust her. Against the background of common interests between these two, friendly relations may arise, but they are unlikely to last long.

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman in friendship is low. Both signs lack tact and the desire to feel each other’s problems. In addition, the Monkey will easily step over the Horse if this allows it to get closer to its goal.

Compatibility in work: male Horse and female Monkey

The working compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman is ambiguous. If these guys compete with each other, there will always be conflict between them, and the Knight will always be the loser. Also, the Horse man will not tolerate the Monkey woman in the role of his boss.

But if the Horse is the boss, and the Monkey is his subordinate, everything can turn out as well as possible. The assertiveness, speed and hard work of the Horse are perfectly complemented by the enterprise, cunning and diplomacy of the Monkey. Such a tandem is waiting for good luck and prosperity. Although the man will still care about the attitude of the Monkey to the world and people. He will need a lot of patience to come to terms with the nature of the partner and learn to put her in her place.

Suġġerimenti u Tricks għall-Bini ta' Relazzjonijiet Tajba

Despite the fact that the compatibility of the Horse man and the Monkey woman is low, these signs often manage to create strong pairs. These are bright unions that are always in sight. Sometimes everyone sees how difficult their relationship is, and sometimes from the outside it seems that everything is perfect. The truth is that in a Horse-Monkey pair, the atmosphere is never calm. Here, joy is constantly replaced by a quarrel, and after a scandal, passion always flares up. It is only important how the spouses themselves relate to this.

Living together adds problems to spouses. In this pair, it is difficult to distribute responsibilities. And even if the tasks are divided, written down on paper and certified by a notary, the Horse and the Monkey still try to throw worries at each other. Sometimes it’s easier for both of them to spit on household chores altogether and run away to visit friends together. In fact, that’s exactly what they often do.

However, no matter what happens in this house, the couple is able to survive any cataclysms. Except, perhaps, the inability of the spouses to see each other’s weaknesses. If a husband and wife do not value each other and deliberately offend each other, such a relationship cannot be saved. But if the spouses sincerely love each other and would like to build a strong and trusting relationship, they will learn to do without mutual insults and jokes. Then everyone will get what they want, and no one will even have the thought of looking for a replacement partner.

Compatibility: Monkey Man and Horse Woman

Skont l-oroskopju tal-Lvant, il-kompatibilità tar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel hija għolja biżżejjed biex dawn it-tnejn jibnu relazzjoni b’saħħitha, għalkemm mhux kalma ħafna. F’alleanza bħal din, jaħbtu żewġ karattri b’saħħithom daqstant, żewġ personalitajiet kumplessi li mhumiex lesti għall-kompromess. Madankollu, fl-istess ħin, ir-rappreżentanti tas-sinjal taż-Żiemel jifhmu lil xulxin bħal ħaddieħor, li grazzi jirnexxielhom iżommu atmosfera ta’ ħbiberija u jkunu flimkien mingħajr ma jiksru l-ispazju personali ta’ xulxin.

The Horse Man huwa persuna mobbli, diretta, ottimista u imprevedibbli. Jgħix bir-regoli tiegħu stess u jidher kunfidenti ħafna fih innifsu. Sens ta 'umoriżmu u manjieri raffinati jagħmlu lil dan ir-raġel mistieden milqugħa fi kwalunkwe kumpanija. The Horse Man ma jħobbx intriċċi u tricks. Dejjem jgħid dak li jaħseb, iġib ruħu b’mod nobbli, imma kultant imur ‘il bogħod wisq fl-ebusija tiegħu. Kull min jazzarda jikkritika lir-raġel taż-Żiemel jew jisfida l-opinjoni tiegħu huwa għal dejjem irreġistrat bħala ghadu u eskluż b'mod goff miċ-ċirku soċjali.

The Horse Man huwa impulsiv, malajr ittemprat. Fil-qlub, jista 'jgħid ħafna u b'hekk jeqred relazzjonijiet ma' nies oħra. Imma ż-Żiemel jaf iħobb b’mod altruż. Barra minn hekk, l-imħabba tiegħu titlaq f’daqqa daqskemm tiġi. Ir-raġel taż-Żiemel qed jieħu ħsieb jgħajjat, sabiħ u għali. Jagħti l-ħin u l-attenzjoni kollha tiegħu lill-magħżula, litteralment jeħodha b'salt. Huwa diffiċli li tirreżisti attakk bħal dan, għalhekk dan ir-raġel gustuż atletiku ma jaf l-ebda falliment. Veru, il-passjoni tiegħu tgħib malajr ħafna. U kollox għax dan ir-raġel huwa paċenzja tal-biża' u ma jafx kif jieħu approċċ responsabbli biex jagħżel sieħeb. Irid jissetilja, jiżżewweġ tifla sabiħa, intelliġenti u kalma, iżda r-ruħ tar-riħ dejjem iġorrha fid-direzzjoni żbaljata.

Il-Mara taż-Żiemel hija sbuħija eċċentrika, imprevedibbli, iżda ħelwa ħafna. Hija ġentili, miftuħa u soċjevoli. Iż-żiemel jidher tajjeb f’kull ħin u kullimkien. Hija ħabrieka, responsabbli, iżda... kompletament mhux puntwali. Li tkun tard huwa l-punt qawwi tagħha, għax il-mara Żiemel ma taf xejn tippjana l-iskeda tagħha u għalhekk dejjem toħroġ minnha. Il-Mara taż-Żiemel hija intelliġenti, talent, ambizzjuża. Hija ma tirrikonoxxix it-tieni postijiet u għalhekk hija mqalleb ħafna meta titlef. Iż-żiemel iqis l-opinjoni tiegħu bħala l-unika waħda vera, li tikkomplika ħajtu b'mod sinifikanti.

Fil-ħajja personali tagħha, il-mara Żiemel hija prudenti. Hija tevalwa l-għarus fl-ewwel data u tivverifika jekk huwiex adattat għar-rwol tal-konjuġi futur. Fl-istess ħin, iż-Żiemel huwa amorous. Jekk tħobb, hi diġà tagħmel dak kollu possibbli biex il-magħżul ibiddel ħajtu f’sħarijiet. Iż-żiemel għandu bżonn familja u dar, iżda fl-istess ħin ma jieqafx milli jkun attiv fil-karriera u fis-soċjetà.

Informazzjoni ġenerali dwar il-kompatibbiltà ta 'Żiemel maskili u Żiemel femminili

Il-kompatibilità għolja tar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel hija bbażata fuq l-interessi komuni ta 'dawn il-guys, kif ukoll fuq ix-xebh ta' fehmiet, temperamenti u għanijiet. It-tnejn huma attivi ħafna, soċjevoli, mobbli. It-tnejn jafu kif jiksbu triqthom, jgħixu għal-lum, iħobbu d-divertiment u jbiddlu kontinwament il-pjanijiet tagħhom.

Huwa diffiċli li wieħed jimmaġina li żewġ egoisti li jħobbu l-libertà mhux biss jiftiehmu fuq l-istess territorju, iżda jirnexxielhom iżommu relazzjonijiet tajbin ma 'xulxin. Madankollu, il-prattika turi li dan huwa possibbli ħafna. Għalkemm iż-Żwiemel ma tantx huma lesti li jisimgħu lil xulxin u jobdu, madankollu, mhux diffiċli għalihom li jirrispettaw il-libertà ta’ xulxin. Wara li saru qrib, dawn il-ġuvini jiffurmaw alleanza b'saħħitha li fiha l-appoġġ reċiproku huwa b'saħħtu. Fejn jidħlu l-interessi tal-maħbubin, iż-Żiemel huwa kapaċi ħafna, anke ta’ sagrifiċċju. Għalhekk, raġel u mara tas-sinjal taż-Żiemel huma tajbin ħafna ma 'xulxin. Kull wieħed iħoss li jista’ joqgħod fuq l-ieħor, li l-ieħor qatt mhu se jqarraq jew jittradih.

Din hija koppja enerġetika li dejjem tidher. Hija interessanti ħafna biex tara. X'jagħmlu ż-Żwiemel, hemm ħafna tilwim u kompetizzjoni bejniethom. Madankollu, ir-rivalità bejn ir-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel ma tħassarx ir-relazzjoni, iżda żżid biss eċċitament.

Il-kompatibilità għolja tar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel hija wkoll determinata minn numru kbir ta 'interessi komuni. Anke jekk iż-Żwiemel m'għandhom l-ebda relazzjoni mill-qrib, id-destin xorta kontinwament jimbotta lil dawn il-ġuvini kontra xulxin. Huma jduru fl-istess kumpanija, jidħlu għall-istess sports, jattendu l-istess ċrieki.

Il-karattru taż-Żiemel huwa kumpless u diffiċli, u għalhekk ir-rappreżentanti ta 'dan is-sinjal ma jikkonverġux faċilment ma' nies ta 'sinjali oħra. Iżda meta niġu għar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel, il-kompatibilità tagħhom hija għolja ħafna b'mod mhux mistenni. Minkejja l-fatt li ż-żewġ imsieħba f’alleanza bħal din huma wisq iħobbu l-libertà, egoisti u imprevedibbli, jiftiehmu tajjeb flimkien. Jista 'jkun hemm ħafna fehim u kura f'dan il-par.

Compatibility in love: Monkey man and Horse woman

Il-kompatibilità tal-imħabba tar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel hija tant għolja li ma tiswa xejn għal dawn it-tnejn biex jibdew relazzjoni. Ir-relazzjonijiet jiżviluppaw malajr ħafna, u diġà fit-tieni data, Żwiemel indomitabbli jistgħu jispiċċaw fis-sodda.

Inizjalment, Żwiemel ifittxu biss pjaċir, sensazzjonijiet friski. Jgħaddu rashom fl-emozzjonijiet u jgawdu biss lil xulxin. Huma sorpriżi pjaċevoli meta jiskopru li huma qrib ħafna fl-ispirtu. Iż-żwiemel huma komdi flimkien. M'għandhomx ħin biex jiddejqu ma 'xulxin, minħabba li jgħixu ħajja esterna attiva ħafna. Għalhekk, affari faċli tiżviluppa gradwalment f'relazzjoni serja jew saħansitra f'familja.

Minkejja l-fatt li ż-Żwiemel iqattgħu ftit ħin id-dar u ħafna drabi jistrieħu separatament, m'hemm assolutament l-ebda jealousy bejniethom. L-imsieħba jafdaw lil xulxin bla limitu u, bħala regola, ma jaraw l-ebda raġuni biex ibiddlu. Imma jekk wieħed minnhom jibda jħares lejn ix-xellug, ir-relazzjoni qatt ma ssir sħuna daqs qabel.

Il-kompatibilità tar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel fl-imħabba hija tajba ħafna. Dawk li jħobbu huma interessanti għal xulxin, isibu faċilment lingwa komuni, ma jiġġieldux fuq trifles. Jikkompetu, iżda mingħajr malizzju. Huma kontinwament jistinkaw 'il quddiem u jimbuttaw lil xulxin għal kisbiet ġodda. Żwiemel definittivament jeħtieġ li jżommu flimkien, għax b'sinjali oħra mhux se jkollhom fehim daqshekk tajjeb.

Marriage Compatibility: Monkey Man and Horse Woman

Il-kompatibilità tal-familja ta 'raġel Żiemel u mara Żiemel hija għolja jekk iż-żewġ valur relazzjonijiet u huma lesti biex jibdew familja. Iż-żwiemel ma jiffokawx fuq xulxin u għalhekk għandhom inqas raġuni biex jiġġieldu milli jistgħu jkunu. Kull wieħed mill-miżżewġin imur triqtu u ma jindaħalx fl-affarijiet tal-ieħor. Ir-raġel u l-mara huma kburin bis-suċċessi ta’ xulxin.

Huwa aktar diffiċli f'dan il-par għal mara. Raġel min-natura ħolm ta 'mara tad-dar tajba u ħabiba fidila li se tkun qed tistennieh id-dar biex tikkonsola, tappoġġja, u jekk jogħġbok il-kap tal-familja jekk meħtieġ. Iżda l-mara taż-Żiemel mhix inferjuri għal żewġha fl-attività u l-ambizzjoni, u m'għandekx tistenna li tagħti ħafna attenzjoni lid-dar. Ir-raġel taż-Żiemel jew ikollu jlaħħaq mal-mess u l-ikel tal-konvenjenza għall-pranzu, jew jieħu xi xogħol tad-dar.

Ir-relazzjonijiet tal-familja taż-Żwiemel jiżviluppaw tajjeb ħafna jekk isaltan ugwaljanza sħiħa f'par. Il-miżżewġin jinvestu bl-istess mod fl-isfera materjali, fil-ħajja ta 'kuljum, fit-trobbija tat-tfal, u allura ma jkunx hemm raġunijiet għal insulti u tmaqdir reċiproċi. B'mod ġenerali, iż-Żwiemel malajr jitbiegħdu, anki jekk huma offiż minn xulxin.

Compatibility in bed: Monkey man and Horse woman

Il-kompatibilità sesswali tar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel hija fl-ogħla livell. L-imsieħba huma kompatibbli sew fil-bidu nett tar-relazzjoni, u sussegwentement l-armonija tagħhom tintensifika biss.

Jekk il-laqgħat ma jkunux frekwenti, allura ż-Żwiemel lanqas biss għandhom bżonn jesperimentaw sabiex jerġgħu jqajmu l-passjoni. Jekk l-imsieħba jaraw lil xulxin spiss jew diġà jgħixu flimkien, għandhom bżonn sentimenti qawwija biex iżommu attrazzjoni qawwija lejn xulxin.

Żwiemel irġiel u nisa huma attivi f'kollox, inkluż is-sodda. Ma jitilfux l-opportunità li jiddiversifikaw il-ħajja bil-lejl tagħhom, iżidu esperimenti mar-relazzjonijiet.

Friendship Compatibility: Monkey Man and Horse Woman

Il-kompatibilità amikevoli tar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel hija saħansitra ogħla mill-imħabba jew sesswali. Xi drabi l-ħbiberija bejn dawn il-ġuvini ddum tul il-ħajja, xi drabi tiċċirkola f'relazzjoni eqreb.

Ta 'min jinnota li anki wara tifrik, dawk li kienu min iħobb jew konjuġi volontarjament jibqgħu ħbieb tajbin. Jistgħu jkomplu jmexxu kumpanija konġunta jew irabbu tfal komuni.

Il-ħbiberija bejn żewġ Żwiemel hija ħaġa b'saħħitha u affidabbli. Huwa diffiċli ħafna għaż-żwiemel li jżommu relazzjonijiet ta 'ħbiberija għal żmien twil. Għalhekk, huwa ta’ valur kbir li żewġ Żwiemel tant jiftiehmu ma’ xulxin li jkunu kapaċi jġorru din ir-relazzjoni matul is-snin fix-xjuħija.

Compatibility at work: male Monkey and female Horse

Iżda f'relazzjoni ta 'ħidma, il-kompatibilità ta' Żiemel maskili u Żiemel femminili hija inqas milli nixtiequ. Min-naħa waħda, iż-żewġ imsieħba huma distinti minn xogħol iebes enviable, intrapriża u l-abbiltà li jieħdu deċiżjonijiet malajr. Min-naħa l-oħra, iż-Żiemel għandu tali kwalità bħala optionality. F'dan it-tandem m'hemm l-ebda persuna responsabbli, kulħadd qed ifittex l-interess tiegħu u jittama li t-tieni jassigurah. Bħala riżultat, il-kawża komuni tbati.

Żewġ Żwiemel jistgħu jaħdmu tajjeb flimkien jekk boxxla b'saħħitha tkun fuqhom. Imma anke allura dawn il-ġuvini x'aktarx ma jsirux puntwali. Iżda huma jaqdu perfettament id-dmirijiet tagħhom meta jkollok bżonn torganizza xi ħaġa malajr jew tagħmel kuntatti ġodda.

Suġġerimenti u Tricks għall-Bini ta' Relazzjonijiet Tajba

Minkejja l-kompatibilità għolja tar-raġel taż-Żiemel u l-mara taż-Żiemel, mhux kollox huwa daqshekk ward f'dan il-par. Bħal kull familja oħra, għandha l-problemi tagħha. Pereżempju, huwa diffiċli għaż-żewġ konjuġi li jaċċettaw il-fatt li issa l-libertà tagħhom hija kemmxejn imnaqqsa u f’ħafna materji jridu jitolbu l-opinjoni tal-magħżul.

F'dan il-par, ir-regola taħdem: inqas restrizzjonijiet jimponu raġel u mara Żwiemel fuq xulxin, inqas it-tnejn jistinkaw għal-libertà. Fi kliem ieħor, inqas ma wieħed jagħmel pressjoni fuq l-ieħor, aktar kull wieħed ikun lest li jagħti lill-familja.

F'familja bħal din, huwa importanti ħafna li jiġu delineati s-setgħat. Il-Mara Żiemel trid taċċetta l-primat ta’ żewġha u mhux tisfida l-primat tiegħu. Jekk ikollha l-għerf biex tagħmel dan, allura bi tpattija tirċievi ħafna kura u affezzjoni minn żewġha.

Ovvjament, il-mara taż-Żiemel mhux se tkun tista' tiffoka biss fuq id-dar u t-trobbija tat-tfal, għalhekk ir-raġel taż-Żiemel m'għandux jikkritikaha għal dan u b'xi mod jindaħal fil-karriera ta' martu.

Ħalli Irrispondi